Friday, December 14, 2007

Who wears a yellow shirt!!??!!

There was time when my mother bought me an orange t-shirt and I freaked out. I was extremely embarrassed about wearing that color in front of my friends and so I passed it onto my sister who happily made it part of her favorites.

I let my mother know that she should never pick out clothes for me, especially if she was to think that a light green or a sun yellow t-shirt would go with the black pair of jeans I own. Never in my wild dreams did I see myself wearing a 'girly' color, if I may call it.

But as I say this, today, I own 3 yellow tees and one of them is actually a favorite of mine. That change came from the time I enrolled into Michigan. It's absolutely a norm to wear yellow tees out here. Yellow shorts, yellow sweats, caps, jackets and what-nots. Yellow shirt over a pair of blue jeans makes you a Michigan dude or dudette in a way.

I was at Nike once and I liked a blue jacket. I loved it, but for the fact that it had yellow as a secondary color, with zippers in yellow and inner pockets in yellow and pocket edges in yellow. Then my friend pointed out that it looked more like a Michigan jacket rather than just a Nike jacket and that was all I needed to convince myself to buy it (It was on sale too...just another pull). And now it's my winter jacket, which means I need it 4-5 months a year.

This post just came as a thought when I remembered a certain incident when I was in India last year. I had to just step out of the house for an errand, and I chose to wear my favorite yellow Michigan and my mother just stood there looking amazed at me wearing that color. I said this was an exception and that she should not run out and get me another orange or green shirt.

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